About the publisher

Издательство Des Esseintes Press — проект Московского международного университета and Московской школы нового кино. Издательство названо именем главного героя романа Карла-Жориса Гюйсманса «Наоборот».

Des Esseintes populates his castle with the fruits of his morbid imagination and his melancholy. His vast library is assembled according to some internal subjective principle: there is no place for Virgil, but there is a place for Petronius, and The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym was published "in one single copy by Des Esseintes' order on top-grade verger, page by page selected and watermarked with a seagull".

Our library is also collected according to a special principle. We will not describe this principle here, but will limit ourselves to a list of books that have already been published or will be published in the next six months or year:

  • Paul Schrader «Transcendental Style in Film: Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer»
  • Christoph Schlingensief «It can't be as good as it is here in heaven!»
  • Friedrich Kittler «Philosophies of Literature.»
  • Conversations between Alexander Kluge and Heiner Müller
  • Hugo Friedrich «Dante»
  • A book about the fools of the St. Petersburg underground of the 1970s-1990s - Sasha Popov and Dima Timchenko
  • Judith Revault d’Allonnes ««Holy Motors» Leos Carax»
  • Paul Cronin «Lessons with Kiarostami»
  • Carlos Reygadas «Presencia»
  • Thomas Maho «Metaphors of Death.»
  • Forugh Farrokhzad «Another Birth»
  • Hans-Thies Lehmann, «Tragedy and Dramatic Theater.»
  • Тонино Гуэрра «Лекции»
  • Морис Бланшо «Заметки к Хайдеггеру»


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